We help companies to stay compliant with regulatory requirements
Increasing Regulatory Requirements
There are so many rules, regulations and standards now that companies find it difficult to remain in full compliance with the letter and intent of it all. Staying on top of all the requirements which seem to keep coming and changing at a rapid pace, takes dedication, diligence and strong leadership.
Risk of non-compliance
Lack of commitment to regulatory compliance can lead to non-compliance, which can have severe consequences. Non-compliance can result in reputational damage, loss of profit, penalties and recall of products from the market, all of which can cost millions and in the end threaten the existence of your company.
Our Compliance Services
“Regulatory intelligence refers to the process of gathering, monitoring and analyzing regulatory information and data to track developments in the changing regulatory environment.”
To help our customers keep up with the latest rules, regulations and standards, we have the following two services:
Regulatory Compliance Update
Early Warning Service
Compliance management
”Compliance Management is the process by which managers, plan, organize, control and lead activities that ensure compliance with laws and standards”
We assist with improving your compliance management.
Why Outsource?
The responsibility for compliance typically rest with the individual Managers, that are not expects in regulatory requirements. These managers often use hours on finding and understanding the relevant rules, regulations and standards.
Moreover, keeping this knowledge up-to-date is an almost impossible task for the managers, why new regulatory requirements often are detected reactively, when compliance is required by customers or authorities. At this point it may already be too late to act.
The process can be complex and time consuming, why more and more companies chooses to seek professional help to develop, implement and maintain procedures to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
Outsourcing of Compliance Management is also a cost saving exercise. Many internal hours used on studying regulatory requirements can be assigned to other tasks and certification expenses may be reduced significantly.
“Reports from EU and EMEC documents that Marine Equipment manufacturers spend in average 3-5 % and as much as 6 % of their turnover on direct cost for certification.”
““With the services of DanCompliance we have reduced our cost while ensuring compliance with ISO 9001:2015 and the regulatory requirements for our products””
Let's Talk.
If you have questions regarding regulatory compliance or our services, please fill in below request form. You are also welcome to contact us directly by mail or phone.